Flea Circus Tours

Run away with the Circus!

I offer custom tours of antiques fairs, flea markets and country auctions, providing transportation and guided experiences to these special events occuring every week in the Louisville area and beyond.

Check the details at www.fleacircustours.com

Flea Circus Tours are great for gifts, group bonding, new homeowners, entertaining guests, or an escape from routine for you and your friends. Contact me at sara@fleacircusonline.com and design a day away- add to a collection, find a unique gift, or bring home something with a story to tell!

Here’s the new Flea Circus Tours logo- and yes, the model has occasionally been known to entertain actual fleas.

flea circus


I also had a brochure printed- you will have to use the zoom function on your browser to see it, but anyway here it is if you want to try. (Lucky for me I didn’t have too many printed since the web address at the bottom is wrong.  Again, for more info, visit www.fleacircustours.com)
