hi y’all



I’m just going to jump right in, okey dokey?


I love other people’s stuff.

 a few quilts

I’ve always been drawn to objects with a history- things that have had a life and tell a story, real or imagined. If a thing is worn, dented, a teeny bit broken or ever-so-slightly grungy it speaks to me. It takes very little to convince me to bring these things home, much to the chagrin of Mr. Flea, and my mother, “The Cleaner.”





mainstrasseI’ve been to many flea markets, garage sales, antique fairs and auctions in my lifetime. I’ve traveled with friends and family for years on collecting trips, and now I’m hoping to launch FLEA CIRCUS TOURS, sharing my secret sources and out-of-the-way discoveries with anyone willing to travel along.


Meanwhile, I hope to share some adventures and updates here. Grab your sunscreen, put on your most comfortable shoes, and let’s hit the road! Don’t dress up, and bring cash.